Registration Successful!
Registration Confirmation
Thank you for registering with the Civica tenant portal. You have been sent an email containing a link where you can activate your account.CIVICA
Thank you for registering with the Civica tenant portal. You have been sent an email containing a link where you can activate your account.CIVICA
Enter Registration Details
Please complete all mandatory information marked with a *
Lost Your Activation Code?
If you have lost or forgotten your activation code then please contact us to arrange a replacement.
Call us on 01 820 0002
Your Details
Please complete all mandatory information marked with a *
- Title
- {{vm.accountDetails.title}}
- First name
- {{vm.accountDetails.firstName}}
- Surname
- {{vm.accountDetails.surname}}
- Date of birth
- {{ vm.accountDetails.dob | date:'dd/MM/yyyy' }}
Need Some Help?
If you require any help, please do not hesitate to contact us.